Media Coverage

Southwest Journal July 2018

Vote in the Aug 14 Primary for Josh Pauly and Kimberly Caprini for School Board
With so many important races on the ballot for primary and general elections, I have one more plea for you:  vote in the primary for at-large Minneapolis School board candidates!  I will vote for Josh Pauly and Kimberly Caprini for at-large school board and encourage you to do the same.
As a parent of two elementary students, school volunteer, and former city council member, I appreciate the hard work of School Board Members and know their role is critical to the success of our school district. I’m supporting Josh, a former MPS teacher, and Kimberly, a long-time parent leader, because of their commitment to good governance and equity in our schools.  Josh has been a vocal proponent of the importance of good governance for a stable district; Kimberly has consistently advocated for an environment that helps a superintendent succeed, as revolving leadership hurts our schools.
Minneapolis Public Schools, like other districts, faces big decisions in this and coming years.  Creating a structurally balanced budget, ensuring the Superintendent is given clear goals and objectives, and changing school systems that perpetuate significant racial inequities are just a few of these issues.  We need school board members who will work together and focus on good governance and planning rather than running from emergency to emergency; Josh and Kimberly will provide this leadership.
Josh and Kimberly, the DFL-endorsed candidates, have earned my vote! Join me in supporting Josh Pauly and Kimberly Caprini on August 14 for at-large school board members.
Elizabeth Glidden (submitted SW Journal)



North News, July 2018


Kimberly Caprini is deeply rooted in the
Northside community and has served
schools across the district. Born and
raised in North Minneapolis, Caprini
identifies herself as a active parent leader

who is ready to take on issues that have

an impact on the Minneapolis Public
School district. Growing up in what is now the Old

Highland Neighborhood as a child of nine, Caprini relates heavily
to the importance of community. She
takes pride in her strong relationships
with her husband and two daughters
who have lived on the Northside for 22
years and have given her infinite support
throughout this campaign. She ran for
the District 2 seat in 2016 but lost by a
small margin to KerryJo Felder.
“I believe our children deserve
leaders who are held accountable
to better decision making, if we
are to see equitable education for
all children.”
Caprini has passionately advocated for
specifically the Northside and Northeast
schools for eleven years. Her children
were raised in the Minneapolis Public
School system which gave her first hand
experience with its functionality. Over
the last several years, Caprini has volunteered
and served on numerous district
committees and site councils while also
volunteering numerous hours in classrooms.

Through her involvement with
MPS, she says she has gained unique
insight into its strengths and challenges.
Caprini acknowledges the progression
that the district has been showing to
address things that aren’t working and
appreciates the willingness to improve
the students’ and families’ day to day
experiences. However, she is well aware
of the lack of consistency by the district,
to the students, families, and communities
affected by the schools. Caprini is
set on bigger and betting gains for more
reliable programming, extracurricular
offerings, and trust.
“I will work with the board to ensure
that funding is allocated, the way
it’s intended to be; and is equitable

throughout our schools.”

Caprini insists on revisions to policies
that will support systemic changes. She
is an avid researcher, brainstorming solutions
by talking through different scenarios
with either her family, friends or
colleagues. A few of her goals are to
push for more mental health support,
more ethnic studies in the schools and
an increase in hiring teachers of color
as well as in position of leadership at the
Davis Center. Her inspiration for running
is remembering her own struggles in
school. As a mother, she wants to ensure
that not only her children do well but that
all children receive the best education
“To have the honor to represent our
district isn’t about power to me at
all; it’s about making the kinds of
decisions that will best serve our
students, their families and school
staff and I’m ready to hit the ground