My Priorities

-Advocate to increase Special Education funding at the State Capitol.

-Advocate for increasing the state’s basic per-pupil funding formula to reflect inflation

-Hire more Social Workers, Counselors, Psychologists and Family therapists.

-Support efforts for Ethnic Studies to be a graduation requirement and/or implemented in general education for all students and modified for middle and elementary grades

-Community Engagement done authentically and meaningfully through Board involvement with students, families and communities

-More people of color in administrative leadership roles in departments that directly impact students (special education)

-Support for teachers with classroom management. Far too many of our schools are adjusting to larger class sizes and they shouldn’t have to. Relationships between our teachers, their students, and support staff suffers when the teacher to student ratio exceeds parents and school staff expectations. Instructional time and relationship building are lost.

-Better vetting of community partners, and regular evaluations showing their progress.

-Sharing events and success stories at all school

-Allowing the Superintendent the space to lead while holding him accountable for his work.